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来源: 中国网 | 作者: 谢丽[巴基斯坦] | 时间: 2022-01-06 | 责编: 罗天林


[ 巴基斯坦 ] 谢丽 北京师范大学






















北京师范大学 / 谢丽提供

A Letter to China

[Pakistan] Nourin Haneef, Beijing Normal University

Dear China,

How are you?

It has been one year, four months and five days since l left you. I am afraid that you are forgetting me. Therefore, I decide to write a letter to you.

When I first came to China, I often cried at night because I missed my family so much. However, now I shed my tears because I miss you, China. I believe they are of the same emotion. You have become one of my family and one part of my life already. I cannot bear leaving you or discarding this love to you.

Many of my “first times” happened in China, my first time to take a high-speed train, my first time to ride a shared bike in streets, my first time to climb a beautiful mountain, my first time to run randomly on a sea beach, my first time to deliver a speech on a stage and my first time of falling in love… I have always meant to say “thanks” to you, thanks for your encouragement, thanks for your company and thanks for the courage and warmth you have been giving me.

Do you remember that I would say in sadness that I was from Pakistan if shop assistants were reluctant to reduce price for me when I was shopping? Hearing this, they always gave me the rock-bottom price (Pakistan is one of the closest friends of Chinese). The couple on Lumo road were warm and passionate. They greeted me every time I passed by no matter how busy they were. I experienced all these sweet memories with you.

Time with you was the happiest in my life. I witnessed your development and you saw with your own eyes every step forward I made. People often say time flies. To me, sweet days fly quickest. I had to part from you before I fully enjoyed all the sweetness. We did not expect that the COVID-19 virus was so persistent. However, you never gave up. All the world has witnessed how you fought fiercely against the virus. The world was surprised by the way you dealt with the crisis. My respectable China! In my 27-year life, I have never seen a nation so brave and powerful. Your victory was the victory of the foreign friends who also love China. You are unrivalled to me!

Now in my own country I live with my family and friends and I have my familiar life. However, I miss your warmth. Every time I take the subway now, I will recall the familiar voice of Wuhan Metro Line 2. I always want to ask if they have Alipay when I go shopping. I always cannot help telling people how beautiful you are when I go sightseeing.

Dear China, don’t be too proud of yourself. You need to remember that all your achievements come from the hard work of the Chinese people. I believe I will also contribute my efforts to your development in the future and so will many other foreigners. Your erudition, your broadness and your magnificence have been attracting me and I cannot resist your charm.

Finally, I want to say to China:

You are a cup of tea, fresh and fragrant, leaving traces of remembrance in my memories.

You are a breeze, blowing everywhere into blossom no matter it is in spring, summer, autumn or winter.

You are a song, like flowing water, natural and enchanting, echoing in my dreams.

You are a painting whose colors are brighter than the most brilliant rainbow.

You are my unrivalled bygones and memories, and what’s more, you are my unprecedented hopes and dreams.

I hope to go back to China soon and you must accompany me to Harbin Ice and Snow World.

Dear China, wait for me and I will be back soon!

Yours sincerely, Xie Li

June 2021
